Thursday, January 11, 2007

odepius Rex

Part II. 964 135-148
page 962 60-67
2.Odepius is searching for the murderer of laïos, the audience knows already that he is the killer, while he is arogantly saying he will bring the murderer to justice.
3.Imagery lets the audience know what is happening, and gives the readers a better sense of the atmosphere of tha scene.
4.Motifs in the play: Dramatic irony, reoccuring bad events,tradgedy,disease, punishment.
5. The Chorus is singing about the misfortunant events that has happened in Thebes since the murder of King Laïos.

Part III.
Internal conflict:
2.An example of an external conflict is Odepius accusing Creon of ploting to kill him to obtain the throne and kings rights.
3.Lines 5-20 page 966....lines 127-131 page 969
4.An example of dramatic irony is odepius saying he will bring the murderer of the king to justice no matter who it is.
5.Teiresias is blind but also the prophet
6. The Chorus is talking about the killer and his guilt, how he will live with it, how can he live with it,and the bad events that keep following over the village.